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Porträt: Prof. Fabian Theis
©Astrid Eckert I TUM

AI Expert Prof. Fabian Theis boosts Helmholtz Pioneer Campus

Computational Health, ICB,

Prof. Fabian Theis, the AI expert, Director of the Computational Health Center at Helmholtz Munich, and Coordinator of Helmholtz AI takes on another important role for AI-based medical research: As Director for Biomedical AI, he complements the scientific expertise of Prof. Maria Elena Torres-Padilla, Director of Biomedicine, and Prof. Vasilis Ntziachristos, Director of Bioengineering, on the Leadership Board of the Helmholtz Pioneer Campus.

 ​​​​​Prof. Fabian Theis has internalized the concept of the Helmholtz Pioneer Campus:

“I sign up 100 % to the Helmholtz Pioneer Campus concept – attracting the most promising, technology-literate, and science-driven talents; at the same time providing relevant resources, creating an intellectually stimulating environment, and offering sufficient independence/room for their ideas to realize their very own vision.”

Many of the Helmholtz Pioneer Campus concepts are already ingrained in the Computational Health Center and other organizations Theis directs or shapes. To now fulfill the role of the scientific co-directorship at the Pioneer Campus presents a natural evolution of an inspiring and already exciting reality for him.

Prof. Fabian Theis is convinced:

“The Helmholtz Pioneer Campus appears as a most valuable investment into the scientific future of Helmholtz Munich.”

Theis himself is a pioneer: He is internationally known as the leading expert in the fields of machine learning in biomedicine and computational health research.

For his outstanding research, the German Research Foundation (DFG, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) awarded Fabian Theis the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize 2023 – the most prestigious research award in Germany and he was recently elected as ISCB Fellow.

As Director for Biomedical AI at Helmholtz Pioneer Campus, Theis expects many transformations: He sees endless opportunities in the space of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning – and says:

“The next ‘big thing’ is rather unpredictable. It will be a simple matter of choice to continue discovering new concepts or start focusing on detailed, structured, robust, and reproducible solutions that stand a chance of general implementation in all our daily routines.”

Read more about his motivation for fostering AI-driven health research in the Interview: Fabian Theis joins leadership board of Helmholzt Pioneer Campus.