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Helmholtz Munich | Doris Hammerschmidt

CPC-M bioArchive

The CPC-M bioArchive as one of the largest lung biorepositories in Bavaria is built on a collaboration between Helmholtz Munich (HMGU), the Klinikum der Universität München (KUM), Asklepios Fachklinik München-Gauting and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU). As part of the German Center for Lung Research (DZL) at the Munich site (CPC-M), the work of the CPC-M bioArchive is strategically advised by a steering committee composed of members from all collaborating institutions. It significantly contributed to more than 15 high-impact factor publications and over 10 European and other international consortial grants.

As part of the DZL Biobanking Platform, the CPC-M bioArchive retrieves, manages and issues a diverse set of biological samples related to many of the major lung disease areas as well as control samples from healthy individuals. Its work is overlooked by a steering committee composed of members from all contributing institutions: the CPC and Helmholtz Zentrum München (HMGU), the Klinikum der Universität München (KUM), the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) and the Asklepios Fachkliniken in München-Gauting. 

The CPC-M bioArchive retrieves, manages and issues >30,000 samples from >3000 patients  related to all major lung diseases including Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD), Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia, Lung Cancer, Asthma, and Pulmonary hypertension (PH), thereby spanning common and rare lung diseases from birth to the elderly, complemented by control samples from healthy individuals. The biological material includes native tissue and its derivatives such as primary cell isolates, formalin-fixed and cryopreserved samples, blood and its derivatives, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluids, sputum, tracheal aspirates, urine and pleural effusions.

Our mission is to provide researchers with a comprehensive collection of biosamples and associated clinical data covering key chronic lung diseases alongside respective control samples for high-end research projects. Our core units perform and support highest standards of SOP-regulated sample handling and processing, culture, genotyping, live cell imaging and immunophenotyping.

All patients and their respective samples are double-pseudonymized by an external, independent identity manager to ensure the protection of patients’ personal data. Incoming samples are processed and prepared for long-term storage by our team of scientists and technicians while sample-IDs and a minimal clinical dataset are entered into an electronic database. Clinical data are stored and managed using our designated software tools, while all datasets including image data are collected in a virtual data warehouse. To ensure the responsible and traceable use of patient material and data, access to all physical samples, clinical and phenotypic information is highly regulated and subject to approval of individual research projects by the steering committee.

Together with the Office for Translational Research (OTR, Dr. Anita Marguerie de Rotrou) of the University of Cambridge, the CPC-M bioArchive is coordinating the STAR TRACK project (STrategic Alliance to initiate pARtnerships in TRAnslational Cardiopulmonary research) within the LMU-Cambridge Strategic Partnership since 2018. The scientific collaborations build on the expertise at both sites and are fostered by visits, lectures, workshops and seminars of leading scientists and junior scientists.

With a growing number of collaborations in highly relevant research projects and consortial efforts, the demand for biological samples is on the rise, urging the CPC-M bioArchive to continually expand. In collaboration with other DZL locations, challenges in sample handling, data management and protection are addressed including efforts for automated data integration. Increasing digitalization facilitates both the administration and exchange of diverse biological samples and data.

The CPC-M bioArchive retrieves, manages and issues >30,000 samples from >3000 patients  related to all major lung diseases including Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD), Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia, Lung Cancer, Asthma, and Pulmonary hypertension (PH), thereby spanning common and rare lung diseases from birth to the elderly, complemented by control samples from healthy individuals. The biological material includes native tissue and its derivatives such as primary cell isolates, formalin-fixed and cryopreserved samples, blood and its derivatives, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluids, sputum, tracheal aspirates, urine and pleural effusions.

Our mission is to provide researchers with a comprehensive collection of biosamples and associated clinical data covering key chronic lung diseases alongside respective control samples for high-end research projects. Our core units perform and support highest standards of SOP-regulated sample handling and processing, culture, genotyping, live cell imaging and immunophenotyping.

All patients and their respective samples are double-pseudonymized by an external, independent identity manager to ensure the protection of patients’ personal data. Incoming samples are processed and prepared for long-term storage by our team of scientists and technicians while sample-IDs and a minimal clinical dataset are entered into an electronic database. Clinical data are stored and managed using our designated software tools, while all datasets including image data are collected in a virtual data warehouse. To ensure the responsible and traceable use of patient material and data, access to all physical samples, clinical and phenotypic information is highly regulated and subject to approval of individual research projects by the steering committee.

Together with the Office for Translational Research (OTR, Dr. Anita Marguerie de Rotrou) of the University of Cambridge, the CPC-M bioArchive is coordinating the STAR TRACK project (STrategic Alliance to initiate pARtnerships in TRAnslational Cardiopulmonary research) within the LMU-Cambridge Strategic Partnership since 2018. The scientific collaborations build on the expertise at both sites and are fostered by visits, lectures, workshops and seminars of leading scientists and junior scientists.

With a growing number of collaborations in highly relevant research projects and consortial efforts, the demand for biological samples is on the rise, urging the CPC-M bioArchive to continually expand. In collaboration with other DZL locations, challenges in sample handling, data management and protection are addressed including efforts for automated data integration. Increasing digitalization facilitates both the administration and exchange of diverse biological samples and data.

bioArchive Team


Jona Chalupper


Anja Disovic

Sample-/Project Manager CPC bioArchive
Marion Frankenberger Mitarbeiterfoto LHI

Dr. Marion Frankenberger

Deputy Director LHI/Head of CPC-M bioArchive View profile

Markus Hawryluck


Susanne Mehring

Technical Assistant

Verena Simion

Scientific Assistant
Portrait Patricia Sklarek LHI

Patricia Sklarek

Study Nurse

Dr. Mircea-Gabriel Stoleriu

Physician Scientist


Marion Frankenberger Mitarbeiterfoto LHI

Dr. Marion Frankenberger

Deputy Director LHI/Head of CPC-M bioArchive