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Medical Sensors

Köhler Lab

To shape the future of the detection and progession monitoring of widespread diseases we are developing and testing novel medical sensors.

Köhler Lab

To shape the future of the detection and progession monitoring of widespread diseases we are developing and testing novel medical sensors.

About Our Research

(1) We interrogate the fundamental interactions of electromagnetic (EM) and optical energy and tissue and exploit them for sensing applications. (2) We research novel instrumentation designs for optimal illumination and energy coupling to tissue for sensing and therapeutic applications and (3) develop novel classes of sensors (including nanoparticles and novel sensing devices) for reading pathophysiological features of tissue, indicative of disease aiming to generate novel early detection paradigms. System development, data processing and in-vivo monitoring of biophysical processes are among the focus of our research group. Research from this group further feeds technological solutions in other research groups in the Institute and Chair.

Our Researchers

Dr. Philipp Köhler

Dr. Philipp Köhler

Group Leader

Helmholtz Munich, Building 56
Shijia Chen

Shijia Chen

Ph.D student

Dr. Davide Di Giuseppe

Dr. Davide Di Giuseppe

Postdoctoral Fellow

    Einsteinstr. 25, TranslaTUM (bldg. 522), room 22.3.42

    Timon Grosch

    Student Assistant

    Porträt Alexander Ross

    Alexander Ross

    Ph.D. Student

    Bernadette Scherer

    Bernadette Scherer


    Dominik Selzner

    Dominik Selzner

    Ph.D. Student

    Dr. Ravikumar Vaghela



    Helmholtz Munich

    2021 Medrxiv

    Pouyan Mohajerani, Juan Aguirre, Murad Omar, Hailong He, Angelos Karlas, Nikolina-Alexia Fasoula, Jessica Lutz, Michael Kallmayer, Hans-Henning Eckstein, Anette-Gabriele Ziegler, Martin Füchtenbusch, Vasilis Ntziachristos

    2019 Medical Physics

    Serafeim Moustakidis, Murad Omar, Juan Aguirre, Pouyan Mohajerani, Vasilis Ntziachristos

    Medical Sensors / Köhler lab: Contact

    Dr. Philipp Köhler

    Dr. Philipp Köhler

    Group Leader

    Helmholtz Munich, Building 56